Here's a behind the scenes look at the process of writing the hero copy for our new homepage: These are the top 3 options out of 10-15 that I wrote during brainstorming I applied a handy trick I learned from Anthony Pierri 🎸 to give visitors all the info they want within 5-7 seconds of landing on your site: Your hero copy should include 4 things: -a problem -a capability -a feature -a benefit When I applied this color coding on my first few iterations, I saw a lot of orange and green. I was only including capabilities and benefits. Forcing myself to reference a problem in the copy made it 10x more compelling And referencing specific features adds clarity After pulling the top 3 options, I circulated to 3 trusted teammates for feedback -- giving them this prompt: Which version is the most clear? Which is the most compelling? Which makes it the most obvious how CoLab is different? This led us to go with option #1, but I also loved the headline from #2, so I ended up using it farther down the page. #b2bmarketing #messaging #copywriting