In my entire sales career — Slack has been the number 1 channel where I’ve generated the most revenue (CW revenue that is - not pipeline revenue, ps) How? 6 ways: 1/ Found where my buyers were/are living and talking the most (test, test, test) 2/ I set up my keywords to give me a notification every time someone brought up a topic I could help them with (be the expert, first) 3/ Joined convos where discussions were being had about what I could solve for (don’t sell, add value, water the seeds) 4/ Chimed in on other convos where I knew someone I trusted who could help solve a problem I didn’t -> tagged them as a referral (people will do the same right back…super underutilized IMO) 5/ Intentionally made it easy to connect…offering to huddle (power move, use wisely) / DM-ing •verbatim• what they shared they are looking for + what my solution was (1-2 liner: don’t give all if they didn’t ask for all…this is crazy important) 6. ^ Goes with 5: in the DM, adding “for the sake of simplicity here’s my cal link for us to sync” (a go-to line of mine, leverage that EQ if you use this though!) And I totally get it — this isn’t the easiest to attribute to (hints why it’s called “dark social”) But do something to show that it works. E.g. lead form, add “how did you hear about us? = open text field. Start there! When you become a peer to your buyer, you’re not only adding the human element to the equation — you’re showing up as someone who ‘gets it’…you’re there to help. Period. (Real recognizes real 🤜🏼🤛🏼) Remember, revenue is revenue. Build a use case for social channels being a solid revenue stream proving that your time spent ‘there’ has an ROI attached to it. — Sam Jacobs did a post about this a while ago…revenue being passed in the DMs within communities and just how much of that is happening right now. First hand seeing fruition this way I can absolutely say it changed the game for me in multiple aspects- I would love to know just how much CW revenue in 2023 had slack communities as its source, side note…no doubt it’s way more than most realize. ALL THIS SAID — question for y’all: Are you (or how are you) using Slack or other dark social channels/communities to drive success for yourself? (^ success = revenue / relationships / referrals / references, etc) Time for the old ways to get out of your way + don’t get in your own way either …“we’ve always done it this way” kind of mindset isn’t going to open the opportunities you’re looking for. (Airtable page with communities for you 👇🏼) #sales #community #revenue
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